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DVR / NVR - How to restore your recorder’s display resolution to factory default

If you have attempted to change the display output of your recorder to a higher resolution (e.g., 4K Ultra HD) but your monitor does not support 4K Ultra HD, there is a great likelihood that your monitor will (1) lose video signal, (2) turn black and (3) lose the live view.

This troubleshooting guide will help you restore your recorder’s display output to factory default (i.e., lowest resolution) so that you can live view your cameras again on your monitor.


Before changing the display output of your recorder to a higher resolution (e.g., 2K or 4K), verify, check and ensure that your monitor can indeed support higher resolutions, especially 4K, or else your monitor will lose video signal.

Part 1 - NR900 Series and N881/N882 Series

The instruction in this section applies to the following recorders:

To restore your recorder's default display output:

Plug your recorder, then press and hold the FN (function) button until the system restarts (see image below).

Function button

After the reset, your recorder will display the lowest available resolution so that it becomes compatible with a variety of low-res monitors.

Part 2 - N861 Series

The instruction in this section applies to the following recorder:

To restore your recorder's default display output:

Plug your recorder and keep tapping the panic button until you see the Lorex screen on the monitor.

Panic button

Once your monitor shows the Lorex screen (like the image below), reset is complete.

Lorex screen

After the reset, your recorder will display the lowest available resolution so that it becomes compatible with a variety of low-res monitors.

Part 3 - D841/D861 Series and N841/N842/N843 Series

The instruction in this section applies to the following recorders:

To restore your recorder's default display output:

While holding the panic button, plug in your recorder until you see the Lorex screen on the monitor.

Panic button

Once your monitor shows the Lorex screen (like the image below), reset is complete.

Lorex screen

After the reset, your recorder will display the lowest available resolution so that it becomes compatible with a variety of low-res monitors.


If your recorder is not mentioned in this list, please call Tech Support at 1-888-425-6739.

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