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FLIR FX App: RapidRecap order not generating

RapidRecaps can be ordered in the FLIR FX app. Recap videos can summarize up to 12 hours of detected motion event recordings for rapid review. Different options are available depending on your FLIR Cloud subscription plan. Check your account to verify your plan details. If your RapidRecap is not working properly check the following:

  • One or more motion event files must already be uploaded onto the FLIR Cloud.

  • You will need to wait until after the hour mark has passed. An event from 5:59 pm cannot be created into a recap until after 6:00 pm.

  • You must manually request the RapidRecap order for your specified time frame.

    TIP: The FLIR FX app offers a tutorial to assist with ordering, and displays a progress indicator once the order has been submitted.

When reviewing your RapidRecap you may see a No Events were found message. This message indicates that only minor motion events occurred. The individual motion event files likely contain small movements such as bushes or clouds moving. The RapidRecap feature will not display this message if any significant events were recorded.

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