DVR Series: Configuring Person/Vehicle Detection
Set preferences for person/vehicle detection.
NOTE: The maximum number of channels supported depends on the particular model of your recorder. Refer to your recorder’s documentation at
To configure motion & advanced person/vehicle detection:
- From live view, right-click and then click Main Menu. If prompted, log in using the system user name (default: admin) and your new, secure password.
- Click ALARM. Click MOTION on the far-left, then click the Motion Detect tab.
- Configure the following:
Select the channel you would like to configure.
Click Enable.
Click Setup next to Area to set an active area for motion detection. See Figure 1 below for details.
Click Setup next to Schedule to set the weekly schedule for motion detection. See Figure 2 below for details.
Set preferences for how the system reacts to motion detection events.
Click Smart Motion Detection to enable person / vehicle detection. See Figure 3 below for details.
Click Apply to save changes.
Figure 1: Motion Detection Area
- The camera image appears with a red grid overlay. This means the entire image is enabled for motion detection.
- Click or click-and-drag to add / remove boxes from the active area. Cells that have been removed from the active area appear green.
- Hover near the top of the image to reveal zone selection. You can set up to 3 different zones with different sensitivity and threshold values.
- Right-click when finished.
Figure 2: Motion Schedule
- The default schedule, shown in Figure 2, is active at all times.
- Click Modify to change the schedule for the corresponding day of the week.
- Click OK when finished.
Figure 3: Smart Motion Detection
- Click Enable to allow detection of people and vehicles on the selected channel.
IMPORTANT: D Series DVRs support person/vehicle detection on a limited number of channels only. For the maximum number of channels supported, refer to your recorder’s documentation at
- Select a Sensitivity level (a high sensitivity value will detect smaller objects than a low value).
- Check Person and Vehicle.
- Click OK when finished.