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LNR / NR Series NVRs: Setting date and time

It is important to set the correct time to ensure accurate time stamps on recordings.

Recordings with inaccurate date and time stamps are inadmissible as evidence in court.

To set the date and time:
  1. In live view, right-click and click Main Menu.
  2. Log in using the system user name (default: admin) and password.
  3. Click settings icon and select Setting.
  4. Click General and select the Date & Time tab.

date and time settings

A Enter the current time and select your time zone, and click OK.

B Check DST to enable auto Daylight Savings Time updates.

C (Optional) Check NTP to sync your system with an Internet time server. Click Manual Update to instantly update the time.

NOTE: A constant Internet connection is required to use NTP.

  1. Click Apply to save changes.

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