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Lorex App - View Events & Timeline

The View Events and Timeline tabs in the Lorex App are powerful tools to help you review recorded footage and locate specific motion detection events. Follow this guide to make the most of these features.

Table of Contents

  1. Accessing Events & Timeline
  2. View Events
  3. Timeline
  4. Capturing Snapshots & Recordings

Accessing Events and Timeline

To access these tabs, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Lorex App.
  2. Tap the live view of your camera.
  3. Tap either View Events or Timeline to start reviewing footage.

View Events or Timeline from Live View

⚠ Note: The app screens shown in this article are for illustration purposes and may vary depending on your device.

View Events

The View Events provides a list of all motion-detected recordings created by your camera. These recordings are triggered by motion events and notifications sent by the camera.

Setting Up Motion Detection

To capture motion events:

  1. Go to your camera’s Device Settings.
  2. Tap Motion Detection Settings.
  3. Enable Motion Detection for specific types, such as Person Detection or Vehicle Detection.

Motion Detection Settings

⚠ Note: Available detection types vary by camera model.

Navigating the Events

When you open the tab, you’ll find:

View Events in the Lorex App

  • Playback Screen: Displays a preview of the selected event.
  • Event List: A chronological list of motion events. Tap any event to watch it. Events that have not been viewed are marked with a red dot.

Filtering Events

You can narrow down the event list:

By Date:

  1. Tap the Calendar icon Calendar Icon.
  2. Select the month, year, and day.
  • Days with recordings are marked with a red dot.

Filter by Event Date

By Time or Event Type:

  1. Tap the Filter icon Filter Icon.
  2. Choose a time of day (e.g., Morning, Afternoon) or detection type (e.g., Motion, Person).
  3. Tap OK to apply the filters or Reset to clear them.

Filter by Event Type

Playback Controls

While playing an event, use these controls:

Playback Controls

  • Play/Pause: Start or pause playback.
  • Speed Control: Adjust speed from 0.25X to 8.0X.
  • Audio: Mute or unmute the sound.
  • Fullscreen: Expand the video to fullscreen.


The Timeline organizes recordings in a chronological, scrollable view, making it easy to find events by time.

Navigating the Timeline

Timeline in the Lorex App

  • Playback Screen: Displays a preview of the selected event.
  • Events Timeline: Shows time on the left and thumbnails on the right. Tap the Download icon next to an event to save it to the Snapshots & Recordings folder.

Filtering in Timeline

You can narrow down the event list:

By Date:

  1. Tap the Calendar icon Calendar Icon.
  2. Select the month, year, and day.
  • Days with recordings are marked with a red dot.

Filter by Event Time

By Time or Event Type:

  1. Tap the Filter icon Filter Icon.
  2. Choose a time of day (e.g., Morning, Afternoon) or detection type (e.g., Motion, Person).
  3. Tap OK to apply the filters or Reset to clear them.

Filter by Event Type

Switching Between Storage Options

Switch between local storage (microSD card) and Lorex Cloud storage:

View Events saved in the Local or Cloud Storage

  1. Tap the Cloud icon to view cloud recordings.
  2. Tap the Folder icon to return to local storage.

Capturing Snapshots and Recordings

While watching an event, you can save key moments:

Snapshot & Record buttons

  • Snapshot: Tap to save a still image of the current frame.
  • Record: Tap to save a segment of the video as a new file.

Accessing Saved Files

  1. Open Settings in the Lorex App.

Snapshots & Recordings Folders

  1. Tap Snapshots & Recordings.
  2. From here, you can:

Snapshots & Recordings Folders

  • Recordings/Snapshots: Switch between the Recordings and Snapshots folders.
  • Edit icon Edit: Select snashots/recordings to share, save, or delete.
  • Share: Send files to others.
  • Save: Download files to your device.
  • Delete: Remove unwanted files.

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