You can customize settings for Daylight Savings Time (DST) based on your region or preference. The following instructions require you to access your system using your DVR and a monitor. To configure Daylight Savings Time: In the task...
You can choose to manually configure and set the date and time on your LHB Series DVR . The following instructions require you to access your system using your DVR and a monitor. Prerequisite: Ensure that you have disabled Network Time P...
Your recorded video files are saved to the LHB Series DVR hard disk drive (HDD) . It is recommended to format any newly installed HDD before recording. IMPORTANT: Formatting the HDD deletes all saved files permanently. Back up data before f...
By default, the hard disk drive (HDD) in your LHB Series DVR is set to overwrite automatically, meaning that the system deletes the oldest footage when the HDD is full to make way for new recordings. You can also select a number of days or hours...
To troubleshoot certain issues, technical support may ask you for the firmware version of your LHB Series Wire-Free cameras . The following instructions require you to access your system using your DVR and a monitor. To check camera firmwa...
On an LHB Series DVR , you can use your own server information to set up email notifications to send and receive motion detection events or system warnings. It is recommended to use the free Lorex email server to set up email notifications...
You can use the free Lorex email server (recommended) to send and receive notifications on the LHB Series DVR . You can configure your email notifications to receive emails for events like motion detection or system warnings. If you are using y...
Your LHB Series DVR email settings can be configured so that email notifications are only sent at certain times / days. You can set separate schedules for motion events and system warnings per channel. Prerequisite: You must enable ema...
The primary connectivity option for the LHB Series DVR is the FLIR Cloud . FLIR Cloud connects to your system over the Internet without requiring port forwarding or Dynamic Domain Name System (DDNS) registration. However, Lorex DDNS is al...
You can configure your LHB Series DVR system to record motion detection events. The following instructions require you to access your system using your DVR and a monitor. To enable and configure motion detection: In the taskbar, click...